Erectile dysfunction occurs for a variety of reasons. It is not a disease, but a symptom of some other problem, either physical, psychological or a mixture of both. In this blog we explore some of the common causes of psycho-social stresses that contribute towards Erectile Dysfunction in men.
Erectile dysfunction is very common and becomes even more common in older men. An Australian survey shows that at least one in five men over the age of 40 years, increasing to about two in three men over the age of 70 years, often experience erectile problems, and about one in ten men are completely unable to have erections. With each decade of age, the chance of having erectile problems increases. Below are some of the common psycho-social causes • Performance anxiety • Employment & financial pressures • Sexual attitudes and upbringing • Depression • Relationship problems • Psychiatric disorders The mechanism for poor erectile function is universally the same. Stress, excitement, anxiety, anticipation, foreboding all release a hormone caused adrenaline, this is our fight or flight hormone that triggers a cascade of physical responses. One of these responses induces constriction of blood vessels in the periphery of the body, the idea is that blood and oxygen is then directed towards vital organs to maintain their survival. As a consequence many tissues have a reduction in their blood supply, in terms of the penis, this means that a diminished blood supply results in a softer erection or erectile dysfunction. In this instance the treatment is to manage the issue causing stress and put in place a program that identifies and promotes behaviors that reduce stress induced hormone release. Medication may offer temporary relief whilst these changes are put in place.
Erectile dysfunction occurs for a variety of reasons. It is not a disease, but a symptom of some other problem, either physical, psychological or a mixture of both.
The causes can be categorized into the following groups 1) Psycho-social problems 2) Metabolic factors vessel function 3) Factors affecting blood flow 4) Factors affecting nerve function 5) Medications 6) Lifestyle effects 7) Urological problems As our blog continues we will explore each of these factors in more depth. Occasional failure in erectile function is quite normal, and can be the result of transient factors that are easily remedied such as poor sleep, excess alcohol or substances that can induce fatigue or sleepiness. Sometimes there are a number of factors working simultaneously to cause problems, therefore its important to tease out all of the potential causes and address each of these individually for a satisfactory outcome. The Priapus Shot®, also known as the P-Shot® uses the magic of our own blood by harvesting and activating cellular platelets to stimulate the release of autologous platelet derived growth factors to generate new connective and neurovascular tissue.
In layman’s terms this means we have special cells in our blood, that when activated can produce new tissue, blood vessels and nerves. The applications are far reaching and may benefit those men suffering from erectile dysfunction. In addition the P-Shot® may be useful in men with an ageing penis, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, penile injury, and generalized arterial disease also involving the penile artery. The aim is to generate new tissue and vascular pathways that bypass or regenerate those tissues that are diseased so that erectile function is restored. Note individual responses may vary. Contact Dr Mark @ Essential Men’s Clinic to find out more, email [email protected] |
AuthorDr Mark Morunga Archives
January 2025
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