Have you made your list of New Year’s resolutions yet? It’s that time of the year when we promise ourselves so many things, but seldom do we keep our promises. However, it’s very important to start our new year fresh and healthy, so making a list of top things we want to change about ourselves should be imperative. In order to fulfill our resolutions, or at least try to, we should always start small. Since everyone wants to live a healthier life as we never seem to live healthy enough, here are top 5 things you can do to change yourself for the better. So, how to start living a healthier life?
1. Eat and drink healthy, obviously OK, you probably already know this. However, even though it sounds easy, eating healthily can be quite troublesome in this day and age, when we don’t seem to have enough time to breathe, let alone prepare a home-cooked meal. Due to this fact, we somehow always turn to unhealthy alternatives, such as going to fast food restaurants or grabbing a “quick bite”. So, if you want to change your diet just a little bit, first you need to make sure to drink plenty of water during the day in order to keep your body well-hydrated. As far as food is concerned, make sure to always have fresh vegetables and fruit in your refrigerator. Every night when you’re chilling at home, dedicate some time to preparing your meal for tomorrow, and thus save yourself some time the following day. When you prepare a home-cooked meal it can last for more than one day, and if you have leftovers, just put them in the freezer and take them out for some other time. 2. Have regular check-ups If you want to be healthy, it is very important to prevent all the possible complications and diseases. That’s why you shouldn’t be waiting for the first symptoms to appear in order to visit your doctor. Regular check-ups don’t take up too much of your time – if you organize your time in advance, you can easily squeeze in an appointment with your doctor. Promise yourself that you will visit your doctor at least 4 times in 2018, once every three months. In order to be sure you’re going to do it, add now these appointments to your 2018 calendar. 3. Break some sweat We cannot stress enough the importance of physical activity for health. The best idea would be to get a gym membership for the new year and start working out regularly. If you spend money on it, it’s highly likely that you will feel motivated to visit the gym more often. However, if you’re not that kind of a guy, you can always buy good exercise equipment and start working out at home. With the high-quality workout gear and numerous videos online, you can have a very effective training. If lifting weights and running are not your cup of tea, you can join the local yoga class as it’s also very healthy yet relaxing. 4. Get enough sleep We always underestimate the power of sleep. First of all, having the much-needed 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night is important for your skin and face – you don’t want to wake up with those awful dark circles around your eyes. Furthermore, it’s also very healthy for your hair as the time we’re sleeping is the time our hair is getting its food, that is the vitamins that are being produced in our body and that feed the root of the hair. Finally, sleeping less than 8 hours every night can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. 5. Learn to say “no” To some, it’s the easiest step out of all the above-mentioned, but to some it’s the most difficult one – but learning to say “no” can be very healthy both for your mental health and coping with stress. First of all, it will leave you with more free time to do the things that you love and enjoy doing, not to mention that you won’t be indulging in activities you find tiring and stressful. So, anytime you don’t want to do something, say this magical word and you’ll be 10% happier. To sum up, changing requires some hard work, but everything is manageable if you start small and organise your time in a good way. Follow some of these tips and we promise you a change that you will love. Good luck!
Peter MinkoffPeter is a men's grooming and health writer at The Beard Mag & High Style Life magazines, living between UK and Australia. Beside writing he worked as a grooming consultant for many fashion events around UK & Australia too! Follow Peter on Twitter for more men’s grooming tips. Archives
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