The problems of self-esteem and body image are not reserved for the fairer sex; rather they impact both genders equally. Sometimes even more than women, men tend to be concerned with their body image and they are forced to live with every irregularity on their body.
Being mindful of your appearance is perfectly natural, and in order to attain a healthy perspective regarding your body image as well as your self-esteem, be sure to check out the tips below. Start Exercising Regular exercise is not only good for your overall health but it directly impacts the way you feel about your body on a daily basis. If you have a problem with being skinny then there is definitely something you can do about it. Hit the gym and choose a healthy lifestyle that will transform your body. You will feel energized and healthy, and the toned body will improve the way you see yourself. Conversely, if you struggle with being overweight, don’t worry, there is a solution. Try using calculated nutrition to reach your goals. You can eat anything you want so long as it fits your daily caloric and macro requirements so make sure to eat 200cal less than your maintenance level and you will experience steady fat loss. Take Care of Your Hair Taking good care of your mane and keeping it just the way you like it will not only reflect a positive image in the mirror, but will radiate confidence to others, especially the fairer sex. So make sure to use grooming products that will keep your hair neat and thick, and stop any receding hairline. On the other hand, going bald isn’t the end of the world, but if it impacts your self-esteem to a greater degree, then you should do something about it. You can apply for a quality hair growth program at a men’s clinic as there are plenty of options that can help you reverse the effects of hair loss and help boost your self-esteem. Keep Your Private Parts Healthy Common male sexual problems are the thing of the past as men are able to get themselves into top-notch sexual health with various permanent clinical methods. You can say goodbye to premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction for good as new and effective solutions are right at your fingertips. Keep Your Teeth White They don’t call it a Hollywood smile for nothing, as having white teeth is one of the key elements in projecting confidence to the world. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day not only to keep your breath minty fresh, but also to keep your teeth looking clean. Additionally, if you have a crooked set of teeth keeping you from achieving a true level of confidence, you can always opt for invisible braces that will create that perfect smile and enable you to build up your self-esteem while wearing them. Let Your Skin Breathe Having bad skin can be a real confidence killer in men, and you should do your best to keep your skin hydrated and clean. You can do this by showering regularly and use body oils that nourish the skin, as well as an exfoliating gel that will get rid of those pesky blackheads. On the other hand, there are some skin conditions you can’t fix simply by applying creams and soaps, no matter how hard you try. Things like moles, scars, eczema and others require professional cosmetic treatments in order to be removed. Be in Control There are some bodily problems you simply can’t control, like excessive sweating or breaking out. You will need to take multiple showers during the days to eradicate the bad smells from the sweating and you can only pop so many pimples before you lose your mind. And the problems will just keep coming back. In order to deal with them permanently, you will need an effective solution like going to body treatments at your men’s clinic. It will take more than one treatment to get your body working properly, but it will all be worth it in the long run.
The saying “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” reminds us that taking care of your health should be everyone’s daily routine – not checking your heart when it starts skipping a beat, but checking it while it’s still normal. Just imagine how many sick days could have been avoided if you’ve just taken care of your health in time. The hectic lifestyle shouldn’t be an excuse for failing to do that. After all, nobody is advising you to visit your doctor every day, there are plenty of other options. Here are five ways how to keep an eye on your health on a daily basis.
Pay Attention to How You Feel Too often we tend to ignore some problems just because they seem irrelevant to our overall health. Although that can be true, it is not necessarily so. Take a moment each day to try to figure out what do you feel and what might be the cause of it. Sore neck? Perhaps you’ve been sleeping in the wrong position. Improve that with the right neck supporting pillow. Joint pain? Perhaps you’ve been putting a lot of strain on a specific joint and you need to give it a rest. Fatigue? This can be caused by a lack of sleep, interrupted sleep patterns, dehydration, etc. If some pain or discomfort is present for more than one day in a week, write that down and consult your doctor during your next health check. Get Moving Physical activity is the basis of a healthy life. It is good, not only for your physical, but also for your mental health. This is especially important today when more than 600 million adults are obese. Signing up for a gym membership is always a great idea, but until you get there, you can engage in some moderate activities or team sports. Even going for a walking regularly can help with respiratory, mental and cardiovascular health, and it can also contribute to weight loss efforts. Keep Your Mind Strong and at Ease Stress is too often considered a normal, everyday thing. In fact, in some corporate environments, it is even encouraged by imposing various competitions, deadlines and norms. It is crucial not to allow it to pile up and cause a burnout. Instead, find a way to deal with stress on a daily basis. Look for something that will keep you calm and balanced. It can be yoga, meditation, music, socializing, smiling, having fun, or simply taking a couple of deep breaths when you think you’re going to explode. Take Care of Your Dental Hygiene There is nothing more attractive than a nice smile. Good dental health goes way beyond aesthetics. It reflects your overall health. Without proper oral hygiene, the bacteria levels can cause gum disease and tooth decay. These can further contribute to various other diseases, such as clogged arteries, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, etc. Don’t worry, brushing, flossing and dentist checkups should keep you safe. Australian men seem to have figured that out since visiting a dentist in Sydney has become just as normal as regular doctor’s appointments. Don’t Forget Your Biggest Organ There is nothing wrong in taking care of your heart, liver, kidneys and similar organs, on the contrary. Still, while we dedicate some time and attention to these organs, we often forget the biggest organ of our body – skin. Still, our skin is sometimes plagued with various issues that can be symptoms of some other conditions. For example, excessive sweating can be a sign of a heart disease, obesity, poor physical shape. Although one of the aspects of the problem can be solved by various sweating reduction treatments, if the problem is persistent, you should consult a doctor. Also, having a consistent skincare routine, using quality skincare products and consuming plenty of vitamin E should keep you covered as for the aesthetics. Good health is a gift we must learn to cherish. If we don’t control it on a daily basis, we’ll end up missing something that could make our life longer and happier. |
Peter MinkoffPeter is a men's grooming and health writer at The Beard Mag & High Style Life magazines, living between UK and Australia. Beside writing he worked as a grooming consultant for many fashion events around UK & Australia too! Follow Peter on Twitter for more men’s grooming tips. Archives
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